
Old Man Musing

Feb 4, 2025, 12:56 PM | Article By: Hassan Gibril

Mr. President
All Power To The People 
No leader should underestimate the people’s ability to reclaim what rightfully belongs to them — ie: democratic power.

Do not allow the very people who elevated you to the high office of the presidency to feel abandoned or betrayed by your leadership that had promised them transformative change ie political and institutional reforms. 

In other words, let those in the wider electorate who voted for hope and change in 2021 not now start to question whether their trust was misplaced or not.

Don’t be carried away by empty assurances and loyalty from a small circle of sycophants and praise singers to mask any dissatisfaction echoing across the country. They only do so to safeguard their own selfish interests.

If one may ask:

Where are your hitherto archcritics who used to call you all sorts of names such as “clueless” or leading a group of “vermins”?

Are they not now your own praise singers? 

Moreover, in any given democracy, it is not you, the leader, who secures his or her position; it is the people who grant or revoke such mandate.

Indeed, nothing can override the power of the ballot. As such, the only way for you to be able to earn another term is through tangible results — improving the lives of the people and addressing their grievances.

Elections are not won by praise singers or loyalists alone; but more so, they are won by the collective voice of a nation. 

Without the trust and satisfaction of the broader population, any dreams of re-election are nothing more than wishful thinking.

In all truth, our voter base is no longer naïve or easily swayed by empty rhetoric of promises.

Our countrymen are now demanding more accountability and transparency than ever before.

Those pertinent issues voiced out in many quarters and even across the board today demand urgent and decisive action.

People are getting tired of, if not fed up with promises; they need solutions.

High fuel prices and meal costs are crushing families.

Frequent power outages are crippling businesses and households. 

The perception of non respect for the rule of law and brutality from the powers that be will continue, if remained unchecked, to erode public confidence in our institutions.

Besides, our youthful population, that makes up a significant portion of the electorate, feel disenchanted, not say disgruntled.

Unemployment remains a critical issue, and many young people see little evidence that their government is committed to creating opportunities for their generation; hopeless and out of despair, so they continue to take to the “back way” in search of greener pastures elsewhere at the peril of their own lives; indeed, it is a ticking time bomb, one that demands immediate attention.

Your administration must therefore frontally address those pressing concerns.

Our people are really not asking for any miracles; they are asking for a leadership that listens, acts, and delivers. 

Time is definitely running out, and the patience of the electorate is definitely wearing thin.

The people’s dissatisfaction eventually finds its way to the ballot box, and no amount of political maneuvering will save a leader who has lost the trust of the electorate. 

In 2026, the ballot box will speak again. 

No leader can vote himself or herself into power a million times. 

It is the people who hold the ultimate authority, and they will exercise it without fear or favour. 

Yes, power belongs to the people, and they will not hesitate to remind any leader who forgets this fundamental truth.

(Your Countryman)

To Be Continued