

May 20, 2024, 11:30 AM | Article By: Dembo M. Badjie Political Scientist

A video showing a black passenger in transit severely beaten at the airport by Moroccan airport agents and staff was heart rendering and totally unacceptable. The incident should be strongly condemned by both the African Union and ECOWAS. Why should black african passengers who protested over the decision by Royal Air Maroc for “non-black Africans” to be given priority to board the flight after a long waiting time for flight connection to the country of destination. 

The discrimination and mistreatment of black africans transiting through Casablanca have been going for too long without any remorse on the part of the Airline authorities. Such cruelty and racism must be ended by the airline authorities. It is a shame on Morocco for an Airline representing the Royalty to embrace racism and cruelty towards black Africans in transit through the country. 

Africa must be united to end racism in most of the Arab world. Africans cannot place themselves in inferior situations forever with all our God given rights and natural resources at our disposal. 

Racism is still very prevalent in most of the Arab world despite the contributions of blacks in Islam and despite the advice of the holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that no race is better than another in Islam. Racism should be a central issue in the Islamic Ummah. It is hypocritical for Muslims to fight the cause of other races and to ignore the plight of the black Africans in the Islamic Ummah and in the world. 

Shame on Morocco for racism against African blacks. Shame on AU and Ecowas if these bodies remain silent on this incident at Royal Air Marocco in Casablanca.