Ukraine has been therefore weaned from the feeding bottle and Israel has, once again resumed its position as the real biological baby of the United States and its Western allies. Succinctly, Israel is the baby of the Western world and the latter will exert all efforts and do all that is necessary to protect, save and shield Israel from any external aggression and speak on her behalf at the United Nations.
Recently in the United States, Members of the GOP rebuked President Joe Biden for extending a helping hand to Ukraine to defend herself against Russian bombardments. GOP Members would not even hesitate to be publicly critical of Joe Biden.
At the onslaught of the Israeli/Palestinian skirmishes, GOP Members now unanimously and publicly voice out their support for Israel.
What is that Israel can do for America and/or Europe that Ukraine or any other State cannot do? Why is Israel so important or so much of a treasure/asset to the West? What is tiny Israel doing and capable of that others are not doing or not capable of to be able to attract Western attention or interest?
After seventy five (75) years of its existence this Zionist State is still called baby Israel, never to be weaned by its forebears. All countries in the Middle East and indeed, the whole world, know that attacking Israel means attacking America and all NATO Allies and thus they keep away from Israel even though they may be bitter enemies.
Israeli baby sitters have no other optic for Hamas than to describe them as a terrorist organisation even though Hamas depicts itself as a national liberation organisation. There is therefore deep seated semantics that exists and how one sees Israel or Hamas depends on which side of the fence one is sitting. All Media outlets in the Western world, including CNN and the BBC are all taking sides with Israel and are telling us their side of the story, in other words, they are pro-Israel and will therefore refer to Hamas as a terrorist organisation and Israel being a legitimate State that has all rights to exist as a sovereign nation.
The Middle East cannot be in a bifurcated situation with some supporting Israel and others supporting Hamas or the Palestinians as a whole. None in the Middle East can be said to be in support of Israel. Zionism cannot be gaining ground among the Arabs. Its legitimacy can never be recognized by the Arabs or the Arab league. We have seen that Saudi Arabia that was on the verge of concluding diplomatic ties with Israel has now backed out and this move demonstrates that it is in support of the Palestinian cause, Hamas, even though it is the military wing of the Palestinian organisation and based in Gaza.
We do not know how long this war, or this senseless war, is going to last but we do know that Israel is going to remain cosy and will be sure of the flow of all kinds of support from the West since they, the latter, have already unequivocally expressed their full unconditional support to Israel and will continue doing so as long as the war lasts. Hamas, on the other hand cannot be that cosy in Gaza and unflinchingly reliant on support from members of the Arab League and beyond. Nice and rosy speeches in support of the Palestinians will be made at the United Nations but material support in terms of weapons and military hardware may not be forthcoming.
Israel is all out for a war of attrition against Gaza, having mighty allies or baby sitters behind her. A war of attrition is going to be their objective and the United Nations that is well aware of the aims and objectives of Israel will want to be seen to be working towards ending hostilities but having America, England, Germany, France and other European countries thwarting or casting a veto on any United Nations Sanctions against Israel should a motion to condemn the latter for its offences, aggression and encroachment into Palestinian territory-- specifically Gaza -- in her bid to wage a war of attrition against the Palestinians, be passed at the Security Council. Israel’s baby sitters are doing a good job for their spoilt child, pampering this child with words and deeds and not letting even a remote mote come near her.
Ukraine and her President Zelensky should learn that no matter how hard they try to win Western support in their war against Russia, they can never be the biological baby of the Western world: Israel, was, is and by all indications, will remain for a very long time to come, the biological baby of the United States and the Western world. You don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to know that fact.....
Sheikh Tijan M.D. SALLA