#National News

Tourism Minister visits Tourism Development Area

Sep 9, 2024, 1:11 PM | Article By: Yunus S. Saliu

The Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture, accompanied by senior officials within his ministry, over the weekend embarked on a day-long visit to the country’s tourism development area.

The visit, officials said, was meant to avail the minister and delegations the opportunity to have a physical view of the situation in some of the tourism industrial areas.

It could be recalled that the Ministry of Tourism recently held a dialogue with tourism stakeholders’ in the country with the aim of having a public conversation. The forum was also meant to highlight some of the developments that are on-going in the sector and as well as the challenges affecting the tourism sector.

The Minister and delegations visited the TSU Commander, the demolished Teranga Beach Club, Palma Rima Beaches and environments, Kotu Bendula and Fajara Craft Markets, Horse stable and horse riders, Fajara Water-Front Beach and surrounds, Tourist Car Parks with bicycle parks, TSU houses in strategic areas within the TDA, Denton Bridge Boat Station among other places.

During his visit, the tourism Minister, Abdoullahi Jobe, used the opportunity to not only visit the mentioned places, but to equally sensitise the tourism stakeholders on the need for them to always operate within laid down rules and regulations.

Minister Jobe also urged the horse riders to regulate themselves, saying: “It’s important that you also have uniforms and certificates. This will help your clients to know that you are qualified horse riders and your clients will easily recognize you.”

The tourism minister added: “All those that are having below standard structures within the tourism development area, should try and uplift them and as well remove some of the eyesores in the beaches and their surroundings.”

He called for greater collaboration with the desire of making the country a destination of choice, adding: “There are still some areas that need some improvement. I will therefore still encourage the GTBoard, as well as other players within the tourism in order for them to work in tandem with the objective of making the necessary improvements,” he advised.

The ministry and the GTBoard alone, he went on, can’t improve the destination, saying: “Every Gambian has a role to play in order to make the destination a destination of choice as the significance of the tourism industry in our country can’t be over emphasised.”


In concluding, he said: “I must say I am very much encouraged with what I have seen so far. Therefore, I will work closely with all stakeholders in improving the country’s tourism sector.”