The councilor and his team used a bulldozer to remove obstructions from the drainage systems, clean drainages and create water ways to mitigate flooding within the community through Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
The annual exercise aims to reduce the risk of disaster within the community of Tallinding South and its surroundings.
According to him, without Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), no progress can be sustained, adding that DRR is and will always be at the top agenda his agenda.
He assured residents of better drainage system to mitigate floods.
Saloum Sheriff Janko, an Anti -Littering Inspector at Kanifing Municipal Council and a member of Tallinding Ward Development Committee, said councilor Ceesay has numerous development plans for the people of Tallinding South and Gambia at large.
According to Mr Janko, councilor Ceesay brought lot of development to his ward during his first term in office, These he said include health, education , environment, water and electricity.
Mr Janko called on residents of the area to desist from indiscriminate dumping specially in open sewages to allow water flow easily particularly during the rainy season.
He pointed out that indiscriminate dumping is against Council's By-Laws and is a chargeable offence.
He added that there are more than 20 “Mbalit” Trucks collecting waste in all part of the Munucipality at a very low price per bag.
He therefore urged communities to close their ranks against indiscriminate dumping and littering as it can cause health hazards.