The campaign organised in a form of a march past was held in Jarra Soma, Lower River Region.
Delivering a statement, Njie Baldeh, administrative secretary of RSDSA, highlighted the importance of the campaign, while calling the need to intensify efforts to reduce road traffic accidents in the country.
He gave a harrowing picture of the road traffic fatalities in Africa, pointing out that The Gambia is ranked eight position globally in road accidents and fourth position in Africa.
“Today, as we commemorate this important day, countries around the world are working very hard to meet the 2030 target to reduce global road deaths and serious injuries. I therefore thanked our international partners, the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety based in Geneva, and the International Road Safety Profesionales in Spain.”
For his part, Pateh Baldeh, Executive Director of Road Safety and Driving Standard Association, reminded that more efforts need to be done to reduce road accidents in The Gambia.
Other speakers at the event included Basiru Fadera, Road Safety Association program officer, Ebrima Faye, Road Safety Association Regional Coordinator and Demba Jawo, Road Safety Association Regional Coordinator in LRR, who all expressed similar sentiments.
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