The inauguration was held at GHE Processing Centre in Banjulinding.
Addressing the gathering, Ms Dorothy Tembo, deputy Executive Director of International Trade Centre, recalled that from the onset of Youth Empowerment Project, packaging has been an important priority.
The project, she added, carried out sector specific assessment and action plans for instance, the Nut and Agro-processing sector roadmap of The Gambia (2018-2022), identified gaps in packaging and labeling meeting international standards.
“The road map identified poor packaging as one of the main reasons for failure of locally manufactured products to compete with imported ones.” she added.
Welcoming the gathering, Momodou A. Ceesay, managing director of Gambia Horticultural Enterprise, described packaging as a necessity for every product.
“Packaging serves to identify, describe, protect, display and promote the product in the market. It also helps keep products safe and clean. Hence, the importance of packaging in any business, particularly agric business cannot be over emphasized.” he said.
Ceesay explained further that the GHE packaging hub in partnership with ITC under YEP and EU support would go a long way in addressing the packaging challenges faced by the youth entrepreneurs, start-ups and even MSME processors.
“This will include the provision of quality, affordable packaging materials and semi-automatic filling machines provide by YEP. These machines will enable small processors to package their products hygienically and safely at a small operational fee.”
For his part, Pampaloni, European Union ambassador to The Gambia, emphasised that EU supports initiatives that stimulate economy in a sustainable way, thereby creating jobs, especially for the youths.
“Such initiatives are very important to the European Union; they are in line with our commitment to boost the private sector. In this respect, you will recall that the EU has recently launched its Global Gateway that is massive investment effort amongst others aimed at improving transportation of goods and reinforcing regional integration.”
On his part, Baboucarr Ismaila Joof, Minister of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment, called on beneficiaries to make the best use of the hub to provide livelihoods for Gambians.
Minister Joof thus assured of his Ministry and the government’s commitment to supporting policies, programmes and activities that would improve competiveness of Gambian products both locally and at the international fronts.
Ndey Awa Ceesay, founder and manager of Nature’s Lift Care and Hassan Kadra, proprietor of Kalid Natural Product, both young entrepreneurs, expressed appreciation to YEP and EU for their support.
The project has already rolled out a training programme for 25 youth trainers and a step-down training for entrepreneurs in different regions of the country.