Claudiana A. Cole, minister for Basic and Secondary Education in her remarks at the celebration stated that the government of The Gambia is poised and committed to provide quality early childhood education in The Gambia.
She added that in the 2016-2030 Education Policy which is currently reviewed, the country acknowledges the importance of the early years of development for children by promoting universal access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) services and the provision of facilities, especially in communities where such services are not available.
“Indeed, improving access to quality ECD for all children around the world, and in particular for the most vulnerable children, is of particular importance to our agenda as more and more evidences are showing the numerous benefits of quality ECD in improving education efficiency and equity outcomes in The Gambia,” she said.
Omar Joof, infant president from Gems Nursery School of Sinchu Baliya in his statement indicated that it is unfortunate that as people they spend more of their time on politics rather than on issues that will bring them together and also help them move forward.
“My Fellow School children, take your education seriously, respect your parents and your teachers, for we are the future hope of this nation,” he advised.