The courtesy visit was designed to formally introduce the network to the GPU officials, as well as inform them of the aims and objectives of the network.
The visit also availed the visiting members the opportunity to express the network’s desire to work with GPU and the Gambia media fraternity in ensuring effective, accurate and factual reporting on disaster and its related issues.
At the meeting, Sulayman Waan, National Coordinator for NJDRR explained in detail that the visit was meant to formally introduce the network to the GPU officials, as well seek technical advice and guidance from union.
Disaster, he affirmed, is both a national and global problem, adding that no government can combat disaster without working hand-in-hand with the media.
“Therefore, that is why we deem it necessary to form this network to make sure Gambian journalists focus more on disaster reporting,” he said
Waan expressed concern over the under-reported nature of disaster issues in the country, saying Gambian journalists only report on disaster when it occurs.
The network, he added, will break that existing gap by encouraging more Gambian journalists to specialise in disaster reporting and write disaster stories continuously.
Therese Gomez, programme Officer at GPU, welcomed the coming of such network committed to reporting on disaster related issues in the country, calling on them to remain steadfast and not be used by government institution to popularise their selfish interest.
She, however, assured them of GPU’s continual support to achieve their objectives.
Jainaba Sonko, communication officer for NJDRR, said NJDRR is here to sensitise and change the mindset of people on issues relating to climate and disaster risk reduction.
She re-echoed that disaster is a global phenomenon and therefore, the network deems it necessary to work with Gambian journalists to educate and inform the masses on disaster.