#National News

NCCE urges youth to take maximum care of public goods

Sep 2, 2021, 1:03 PM | Article By: Adama Tine

Senior Programme Officer at the National Council for Civic Education (NCCE) has lamented that management of Public Goods is a problem in the country with most people thinking that what belongs to everybody belongs to nobody.

Ansumana Ceesay was speaking on Monday in Kwinella village during the end of a six-day training of ‘out of school youths on leadership, civic rights and duties’ for communities in the Lower River, Central River and Upper River Regions respectively.

The whole idea is to prepare participants with the skills and knowledge to transition into adulthood and become responsible citizens.

Ceesay noted that what is important is what ‘one can do for his/her community, society and country at large, saying everyone can be a civic leader by using your skills, knowledge and time to volunteer in the development of your community.

The NCCE SPO disclosed that out-of-school youth have the skills, knowledge and time to contribute meaningfully to national development ‘if they are supported’.

The role of out-of-school youth, he added, is essential and therefore called on people to change their perception towards dropouts in society.

“NCCE will continue its determination to build and consolidate a mature political culture in which all citizens regardless of gender and age are more aware of and fully exercise their rights and responsibilities, as well as participate effectively in nurturing and broadening our nascent democracy.”

He expressed optimism that the training would promote patriotism, responsible citizenship and civic consciousness among citizens as well as leadership skills among the young people.

“Each generation has a duty to pass on to the next, not only a fully functioning government responsive to the needs of the people, but the tools and the skills to understand and improve it,” he said.

The initiative is being supported by UNICEF through United Nations Peace Building. The training, which attracted over 240 youths from the various regions, was designed to provide participants with vital information on leadership, civic rights and duties as a means of enabling and enhancing young people’s participation in matters of governance and enhance a culture of constitutionalism where citizens uphold and defend the highest law of the land.