According to the organizers, the competition aims to empower young people to respond to COVID-19 through short stories to raise public awareness about the fast spreading virus.
The short story competition is tagged with takeaway cash prizes of D3000 for the overall winner, D1500 for the first runner-up and D1000 for the second runner-up.
The prizes extend the NCAC’s overall mission to archive the wealth of Gambian literary production from getting lost in the chaos of the global crisis of Covid-19. Also, it will help young people, storytellers and aspiring writers to stay informed about the global trends in The Gambian literary scene, and to ensure that the significance of these works transcend the final moment of their publication in an anthology book.
The competition is open to anyone between the ages of 12 to 30 years who can write short story in English. The deadline for the submission of stories is 12th May, 2020.
All submissions should be sent via email to modoulaminsowe1@hotmail.com and strictly on the topic – Impact of Covid-19 with 1000 words maximum.