#National News

NALOA executive members get new Strategic planning

Sep 27, 2024, 1:40 PM | Article By: Abdoulie Nyockeh

Executive Members of the National Livestock Owners Association (NALOA)  recently gathered at the Abuko Department of Livestock DLS  conference hall to validate its old strategic plan and usher in a new one.

The landmark convergence, geared towards addressing the welfare of livestock owners and husbandry in the country, deliberated on the old and outdated strategic plan and came out with a planning that would provide NALOA a sound sense of direction for the next five years.

The event, which brought together  representatives  from the regional to the national level,  attracted lively participation to discuss the document that would serve as a working tool for NALOA members. 

In his remarks on the occasion, NALOA president Ebrima O. Jallow commended the executive and all members for their show of great concern and participation in the validation exercise.

The key objective of the validation was  to ensure NALOA have a  vibrant  strategic plan that would guide the implementation of their activities  in the next few years, he said, applauding  the executive members for the level of cooperation and unity among them.

Mr Jallow thanked sponsors of the validation of the P2RS project under the Ministry of Agriculture. “We value their support towards addressing key challenges faced by the Association, which is  funding, to organize certain major events,” he said.

 Mr Jallow said the strategic planning was a requirement from their constitution  that the Executive members should have a meeting twice yearly  or once at least.

“Therefore,” he stated, “considering the importance of a strategic  planning for any organization or institution, NALOA  deems it fit to organize this validation on the old strategic  planning and come up with a new strategic planning that would boost the Association with a sense of direction.”

Jallow also seized the opportunity to thank the Ministry of Agriculture for their invaluable support towards the growth of NALOA  across the country. He gave special thanks to the director of Small Ruminant Project, Mamud Njie, for their concern and support to NALOA.

 Jallow also extolled the Gambian leader for securing a special project purely for small ruminants in the country, saying “This is historic development” for the Gambia.

 “This shows how the Gambian president have concern for the welfare of our animals,” he added. 

He further assured the president that as far as his leadership is concerned, the association NALOA with or without funding would continue to play its pivotal role at the grassroots  level to ensure challenges  faced by livestock owners are addressed including reducing or combating  cattle theft in the country.

In the same vein, SRPEP Director Mamud Njie hailed the leadership of NALOA describing the association as  an effective  body in the country. He said

“This Association is here to complement government’s efforts, particularly the Ministry of Agriculture,” he remarked. “The association comprises representatives from across the country with committed and dedicated members who are always ready to sensitize the communities on the welfare of our livestock.”   

He said Gambians need to cherish  and acknowledge the efforts of NALOA  in national development.

He declared there is strong unity among its members with a dynamic  leader as Ebrima O. Jallow “He is a very committed individual  and  his ambition is  always to see the advancement  of livestock  in this country,” he added.

Njie also hailed the Gambian leader and the Minister for Agriculture Dr Demba Sabally for their concern and support towards addressing livestock issues in the country, saying “This is the first time that the Gambia has secured  a livestock multimillion  dollar project purely to address  the welfare of animals.”

He encouraged NALOA  members to continue  the high spirit of commitment, and dedication to realising a new strategic planning that will be implemented accordingly.

He also advised them to take ownership of the new strategic plan and work closely with projects under the Ministry of Agriculture to help them facilitate their activities across  the country.