The capacity building training was attended by 25 rice growers from five regions namely; Upper River, Central River, Lower River, North Bank and West Coast regions respectively.
It was aimed at strengthening their productivity as well as to establish a women rice farmer’s cooperative society.
Musa F. Sowe, President of NACOFAG said part of their mandate is to see how farmers engage in co-operatives that willearn them better powers to negotiate and add value to their products to be able to compete inmarkets and make more revenue for themselves.
He added that they have 16 farmer organisation members but realised that NAWFA is purely the rice farmer organisation that is into rice production, which was why they brought their members together to build their capacities.
Sowe noted that the expected out come within the three years of the project is to train farmers, provide them farm inputs such as fertilizer, rice seeds, sign hoes, seeders, sickles, milling machine, hoes, among others.
The project he added would also support NAWFA in ensuring it is able to validate activities and present financial and technical activities as well as encourage women to engage in economic initiative activities.