The validation held at Baobab Hotel and Resort, in Bijilo, was aimed at advocating means to reduce the vulnerability of domestic workers by documenting level of respect for their rights and evaluating the various forms of support they receive as part of CRADESC activities.
The second phase of the project, is focused on strategic support for realisation of economic, social, and cultural rights of domestic workers 2022-2024.
Besides, The Gambia, a beneficiary of the project, had earlier hosted a national forum which brought together key stakeholders.
Similarly, data collection was carried from domestic workers, state actors, CSOs and organisations working for the rights of women, girls trade unions, and domestic workers in 2022.
The project is being implemented in nine countries in the sub-region, including The Gambia.
At the event, Fatima Jallow Gaye, a representative from CRADESC, Senegal, explained that the project also supports domestic workers on ways to generate the necessary knowledge for decision making in the protection of the rights of the workers "…given the unique nature of the combined effects of systemic injustice towards domestic workers and the lack of advocacy for their economic, social, cultural rights." she stated.
Madam Jallow Gaye also indicated that the project seeks to contribute to the reduction of social and economic vulnerability of domestic workers in West Africa.
Basirou Secka, Principal Labour Economist at the Ministry of Trade, reminded that CRADESC is working hard to complement government's efforts, acknowledging that domestic workers are voiceless and in view of that, everyone should work together to help regain their rights.
"Ministry of Trade really appreciates people that add value to what government is doing and we look forward to more collaboration with CRADESC." he explained.
Molamin Susso, secretary general of the Domestic Workers Union, advised his colleagues to continue advocating and fighting for their rights.
"Employment comes with writing not verbal agreement. So always ask your employers to provide contracts on paperworks. We are not enemies to the government but our rights have to be respected as well." he added.