#National News

KM Tailors Association appeals to NAMs for support

May 28, 2024, 12:04 PM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

The Kanifing Municipality Tailors Association has called for support from National Assembly Members (NAMs) in order to amplify their impact in the global market, aligning with governments efforts.

They made the plea during their showcase talent platform held at the National Centre for Arts and Culture(NCAC) Conference Hall. The day featured the presentation of their sewed outfits to the National Assembly Members of the Kanifing Municipality.

The association’s goal is to collaborate with NGOs, donor agencies and development partners to complement government efforts through establishing platforms and ideals that house various development programs and pursue issues of great concern such as tax, inflation and others.

The association would further endeavour to identify youth and train them to become qualified tailors, engage in activities that will be geared towards combating negative vices affecting the lives of young people and build strong partnership aimed at building strong economic and cultural ties appropriate to give birth to self-actualisation, empowerment and sustainable livelihood.

In his remarks, Secretary General of KM Tailors  Association, Abdou Hadir Nyelan Samura said in fortifying their competitive edge in the global economic landscape, the assistance of National Assembly Members in empowering them will undoubtedly underscore their collective drive towards prosperity and success.

He added that the National Assembly can serve as a platform for the tailors association to raise their concerns, advocate for their needs and introduce or pass legislation that will benefit the tailors association. He said this could include laws that promote the growth of the textile industry, regulate the market, and/or provide financial assistance to small businesses, among others.

“By working together, the National Assembly and the KM Regional Tailors Association can create a conducive environment for the growth and success of the tailoring industry,” he said.

Madi M.K. Ceesay, National Assembly Member for Serrekunda West said his Municipality is lucky to have tailors doing such great work.

In expressing gratitude to the tailors for the tremendous work, he assured them of their support. He also implored them to put efforts together with the relevant Ministry to incorporate tailoring into TVET Education.

Sulayman Jammeh, NAM for Bundung assured them of their support, saying that the KM Tailors Association do not only focus on tailoring but also conducts lot of other activities at the community level.