#National News

Kafuta Youth Development Association holds congress

Jul 14, 2020, 11:36 AM | Article By: Sanna Jallow

Kafuta Youth Development Association on Sunday held its congress where new executive where elected to advance the course of youths in the community.

Held at the Kafuta Early Childhood Development Center, the delegates elected includes, Ansu Sanyang as chairperson and Mariatou Jarju as vice chairperson.

Assan Touray was elected as secretary, Matarr Kujabi as assistant secretary, Musa Touray as treasurer and Tunko Sillah as auditor.

Foday Manjang  was elected Public Relations Officer, Amie Gibba  as assistant Public Relations Officer, Siaka Bojang  as social secretary and Abubacar Jallow as assistant  social  secretary.

Addressing the delegates before the congress, Lamin Sanneh reminded all that they want to see young people who will celebrate each other’s successes and defend at all times the development of the community.

Representing the Alkalo of the community, Lamin Bojang expressed appreciation with the turn out, saying the move demonstrate young peoples’ participation and freewill to take the lead in the development initiatives of their own community.

Bojang appealed to youth in the village to put aside their difference and work together for the advancement of the community.

He also reminded them that youth work and community development are entirely voluntary engagements and they must at all-time be strong and ready in that direction. 

Foday Manjang, chairperson of the task force committee that was sanctioned to mobilise young people and organize the congress, said the gathering marks another important milestone as it will bring youth under one umbrella for the development of Kafuta.

Dembo Kuyateh, chairperson of Kombo East Youth and Children Development Alliance (KEYCDA) assured the youth of his office’s support at all time.

"Your objectives should be clear and understand the dictates of your constitution to your fingertips," he said.

Mr. Kuyateh told the gathering that the establishment of the committee is long overdue as it is a requirement for every community to have its own standing youth committee.