The ship has docked at The Gambia Ports Authority.
The Office of the President in consultation with the Ministries of Agriculture and Finance and Economic Affairs has decided to conduct the sale of the rice at the Ports. No single buyer will be allowed to purchase more than five thousand (5,000) bags. The price for a 30 kilograms bag of rice is pegged at four hundred and fifty Dalasis (D450) only.
Interested buyers are invited to contact the Accountant Generals office, where they will be given an invoice and an account number to make all payments before collecting the rice. It has been agreed with the Japanese Government that the proceeds will be deposited in a special account at the Central Bank of The Gambia to support the government in its NDP priority areas.
The public is hereby informed that it is strictly forbidden to sell the rice outside The Gambia. The price to the consumers should not be more than five hundred and fifty Dalasis (D550) per bag.