The training was funded by Messenger of Peace Support Fund, an international initiative that offers financial support to Scouts and National Scout Organisations. The three-day forum seeks to equip participants with the requisite knowledge, skills and the much-needed attitudes to change gender inequality in the society.
At the opening, Saikou Sanyang, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, said there is a need for all stakeholder institutions to achieve at least 30% of women’s representation at all levels and ensure domestication of international convention on gender.
“We will endeavor to work closely with IGSA and relevant partners to support elimination of all forms of discriminations and gender based violence against women and girls,” he assured.
PS Sanyang indicated that if this is done, all will understand human rights as well as enable the masses to detect cases of violation, demand access, seek redress and enjoy dignified lives.
Sports PS acknowledged that gender equality is an integral part of planning and implementation of national development processes, assuring that government is committed to gender equality as enshrined in the Constitution.
Fatou M. Jallow, chief commissioner for IGSA, said the scout association’s primary objective is to transform youth into quality and skilled individuals so that they provide leadership at different levels of the community and contribute to sustainable development.
“If we are to ensure gender equality in scouting and beyond, we need to support and enact the meaningful membership, participation and leadership of women and girls in our movement,” she said.
Scout Chief Commissioner noted that TGSA is cognizant of the importance of increasing diverse gender representation and leadership in ‘our association.’
“We have taken exemplary action to make scout boys and girls champions to gender equality.”
She assured that The Gambia Scout Association is committed to improving gender equality across the country.
“Through the workshop, TGSA will develop its national diversity and inclusive policy and train 150 scout leaders on gender equality, improve the understanding of HeforShe campaign for volunteers and scouts.”
Also speaking, Ruth Gasson, Africa Scout Consultant for World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM), said the training would arm participants with the requisite skills to ensure effective service delivery.