The educative tour began with a bike trip from Badala Park to African Princess Hotel.
The tour brought together various journalists, artistes such as famous singer ”Badibunka”, TikTokers and Ms Glorious Haddijatou Njie of Miss-Heritage Global Competition, among others who are believed could play pivotal roles in promoting domestic tourism in The Gambia.
The tour team visited Palma Rima Beach Hotel, Sun Set Beach Hotel, Kombo Beach Hotel, the National Museum and the Arch 22 in Banjul. They also proceeded to Bakau Kachikally Crocodile Pool and the Batick Factory at Dippa Kunda.
Foday Bah, officer in charge of GTBoard marketing department, highlighted the importance of engaging influencers and journalists to have a direct experience of the 2021-2031 Tourism Policy and Strategy to be able to help in the pursuit of promoting domestic tourism to reach the destination.
Amadi Sowe, museum attendant in Banjul explained to the visitors that the museum is over 200 years. He added that they have developed a mini marketing product to promote domestic tourism.
He said the national museum was built by the British and later transformed to be the Gambia national library before it was renamed the national museum with the help of former president Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara in 1985. He said the museum is divided into various sections that comprise numerous artifacts and other historical items.
He escorted the team to the oldest well in Banjul which is 4 meters deep. It was dug in 1824 by one engineer called Konko Barreh known as Pompeh Gaye from Gorreh in Senegal. He stated that neighbors still access potable water from the well anytime taps are closed within the neighbourhood.