The training was funded by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
The training brought together national head office staff, directors, senior officers, project staff, regional officers and interns of The Gambia Red Cross Society. The training was organised for 30 participants and held at Lemon Creek Hotel.
The training builds the capacity of staff and volunteers of The Gambia Red Cross Society (GRCS) by giving them the practical knowledge and tools needed to design and implement cash transfer programmes in emergency contexts.
Alasan Senghore, Secretary General, Gambia Red Cross Society said they wanted to protect the dignity of people about two years ago when they were assisting vulnerable households during the Covid-19 lockdown and therefore were the pioneer in terms of paradigm shift, efficiency and cost effectiveness and propagating for cash assistance by introducing the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).
He described the training as a step in the right direction and urged participants to get the information learned to volunteer at the grassroot level.
SG Senghore further said that they are the only institution that provides reliable data in the country.
Mohammed Omar Mukhier, IFRC regional director for Africa said he saw a multidisciplinary team at The Gambia Red Cross Society that can be deployed anywhere and will deliver fully.
“I can see that talent, skill and knowledge in this room,” he went on, saying as a Red Cross it is their job to dignify our people and give them options.
He expressed IFRC’s determination to ensure all African national societies are cash ready.
Director Mukhier pointed out that there is integrity, accountability, leadership, good governance, management and good investment in youth and volunteers in the Gambia Red Cross Society which is why its brand is strong and therefore commended them.
Daniel Bolanos Gonzales head of Sahel cluster in Dakar also thanked GRCS for the great work they are doing for Gambian people.
Momodou Lamin Fye, adviser to regional director said the RedRose innovation is very efficient. He also expressed confidence that GRCS has what it takes to achieve its goals.
Gabriel Nashon Noyanga, senior disaster management and Cash and Voucher Assistance officer for IFRC who was the training facilitator expressed confidence that the GRCS is one national society that has everything that can get it to higher heights. “You are well positioned to deliver CVA of any capacity at any time,” he stated.
Abdoulie Faye, Director of Programs and Operations at GRCS said Cash and Voucher Assistance is important in Red Cross’s work; particularly in CVA programmes.