#National News

Fashion Designer’s Association presents face masks to MoBSE

Oct 30, 2020, 11:56 AM

As part of efforts to create a safe environment for students amid corona virus pandemic, Fashion Designer’s Association (FDA) of The Gambia on Wednesday presented 2,350 face masks to the MoBSE at a presentation ceremony held at ministry’s main hall in Banjul.

Presenting the items, Ida Conteh, president of Fashion Designer’s Association (FDA), expressed delight in presenting the items to MoBSE, recalling the fruitful partnership that existed between the two institutions.

“We thank Allah the Almighty for opening an opportunity to partner with MoBSE because the two institutions are one and we will continue to partner for the benefit of the future leaders of The Gambia.”

Madam Conteh commended the Minister of Basic and Secondary Education minister, Claudiana A. Cole for the support she renders to the women, adding that it is because of trust that was why they are partnering with MoBSE.

In receiving, Claudiana A. Cole, minister of Basic and Secondary Education, described the donation as ‘timely and noble’.

“We appreciate your kind gesture which will greatly benefit students and teachers.”

Minister Cole revealed that FDA didn’t only stop at the contract that MoBSE awarded them to supply face masks, but instead donated additional 2,350 face masks to the ministry for the safe reopening of schools in the country.

Students wearing face masks during school hours, she said, is part of precautionary measures in curbing the spread of Corona virus.

 “You are contributing a lot towards the development of The Gambia. Your area of work can create self-employment to people and on behalf of MoBSE staff, students, parents and teachers, we welcome your donation whole heartedly,” she added.

By Lamin B. Darboe

Information Officer, MoBSE