Sambujang Dampha was speaking during a recent nationwide tree planting exercise held at various regions where EbA project is being implemented. Currently, the project is implementing projects in Lower River, Upper River and Central River regions north and south.
The aim is to enhance agroforestry production as well as enhance the livelihoods of various communities with agro forestry products such as production and processing.
According to him, the project intervention targets communities involved in agro-forestry, where options are given based on consultations with the farmers.
"Our approach is based on how farmers identify their priorities and we intervene based on those priorities. The tree species the farmers used are indigenous species and are climate resilient as far as agro forestry is concerned. Our interventions are purely farmer driven with the motive to sure that trees are planted in the next few years where deforestation will be thing of the past" he noted.
Mr Dampha further explained that for sustainability, they are building the capacities of farmers on nursery tree management and use of indigenous species.
"We also provide them with tree guards to ensure that trees are grown. By growing trees farmers need enough water - plans are on the way to ensure they have enough water. The challenges the farmers are now facing are bush fires" he added.
Also speaking during the tree planting exercise, Mr Basainey Jammeh, private sector specialist for EbA project, said the project will support farmers with modern technologies for agro-forestry production. This, he said, is to enhance their income generating activities.
"The project will also ensure smart climate resilience agro-forestry products to uplift poor communities’ livelihoods".
Aisha Jawara
Information Officer
Ministry of Environment, Climate Change
and Natural Resources