The overall objective of the training was to help better the performance of its enrolled/sponsored children in schools.
The training also aimed at the operationalisation of teachers’ competencies and teaching. Without doubt, without the full training and motivation of teachers, the education sector will not effectively function.
Aliue Mendy, federation manager of Ding-Ding Yiriwa Federation said the aim of the pedagogy training was to help the teachers in schools they are intervening to upgrade their skills in teaching. “We want the teachers to have the best skills in teaching that can motivate the children to attend those sessions and be interested in those subject matters,” he said.
He said Ding-Ding Yiriwa Federation has enrolled over 4,500 school going children within Kombo North and South. The federation he added aims at protecting children and youth against all forms of abuse as well as ensure children aged 0-5 years are healthy and secured, 6-14 years are educated and 14 years above have quality relevant skill acquisition.
Federation Manager Mendy said that nobody would be interested in sponsoring a child whose performance is not improving and therefore the need for them to work with parents and teachers to ensure that their sponsored students do well in their respective schools.
He advised parents and teachers to be interested in their children's education and motivate them by providing conducive study areas in their various schools and homes.
“Parents need to take up their responsibility and teachers be very serious and ensure that the right syllabus is provided to the children,” he stated.
Mansour Saine, a trainer said education is a collective responsibility and everyone has a role to play, “I will do my best to equip the teachers with skills and knowledge needed to boost effective and efficient teaching and learning in our school,” he added.
Lamin Ceesay, finance controller at Ding-Ding Yiriwa Federation urged the participants to take the training seriously, saying that grassroot education is the foundation stone for any child.