The selected schools include, St. John's School for the Deaf and GOVI at a ceremony held at the Girls Guide in Kanifing. The NGO is committed to promoting health education, thereby creating safe spaces, while also advocating to eliminate all forms of gender-based violence.
Fatou Sanneh-Ceesay, founder of CRH said she has dedicated over 25 years of her career producing and presenting health programmes on radio and TV.
"Many of these discussions revolved around critical topics such as fistula, cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, family planning and infertility in both men and women, among a host of vital issues needing collaborative efforts to build a healthy and well-informed populations."
She noted that through education and awareness they aim to expand access to reproductive health rights, working with multiple partners to expand reproductive health education and rights for everyone particularly children with disabilities and special needs."
"We seek to equip them with necessary information to protect themselves from infections, violence and most importantly, to provide them with a clear understanding of puberty, menstrual management, and how to prevent unwanted pregnancies."
Dr. Abubacar Jah reminded that as humans, ageing always comes with natural body changes.
"From the first time we are inside the tummies of our mothers, we change day-to-day until we are born. During the adulthood of our life we experience rapid changes in our bodies and the composition and chemical nature of our body. Therefore, there is a rise in emotional problem which is natural and you cannot blame yourself."
He highlighted some transformations human beings go through, citing that for instance, in boys the changes that occur include developing muscles, shoulders become broader; voice starts to change and become more hoarse and start having hair in places that weren't having hair before and have to deal with the hair.
"It is at this age that our bodies start developing odour that was not there before and if you grow within people without taking care of that odour, people will run away from you because it is very offensive but it is part of the changes that are going on and you have to know how to deal with it. It is at this time that you make sure you take bath regularly to maintain hygiene."
Whereas in girls, Dr. Jah revealed that their body starts growing rapidly but others shouldn't be worried of not growing rapidly but will grow within their space in time.
‘Mood swings also happen during puberty. It is at this time that you become anxious about your future."