#National News

China-Aid project set to demonstrate vegetable cultivation techniques at Jambanjelly

May 29, 2024, 11:44 AM | Article By: Adama Jallow

The China-Aid Agricultural Technology Cooperation Project is currently constructing a demonstration center at the Mixed Farm Center situated at Jambanjelly in the West Coast Region.

The demonstration center started construction in December 2023 and it is planned to be completed and put into operation in July 2024. It is an important part of the vegetable high-yield demonstration and variety promotion content of the China-Aid Agricultural Technology Cooperation Project to The Gambia.

The demonstration of vegetable facility cultivation, screening of excellent vegetable varieties, demonstration of disease and pest control techniques, and promotion of high-yield cultivation techniques, are the main contents planned to be implemented by the center.

In addition, the center will collaborate with the Department of Agriculture to carry out online or offline technical training activities in junior and high schools and Universities and community gardens in West Coast Region.  also

According to the project implementation unit, the main construction content of the center includes the construction of new training area (420 ㎡), new greenhouse (6000 ㎡), and a new concrete structure water reservoir (50m³) house renovation (750 ㎡), construction of supporting irrigation systems and physical pest control facilities. The completion of the project will greatly improve the conditions of vegetable cultivation for Jambanjelly mixed farm center.