The project is a cooperation between ECOWAS and the German Government aimed at complementing existing ECOWAS security and political initiatives to react to the emerging crises across the regions.
Omar Gaye, director general for GAMWORKS said 10 million Euros was given to his institution to invest on areas of concern to Gambians.
“We were handed the project to visit communities that deal with fishing, gardening, poultry, amongst others. We then thought of beginning with a fishery site to see the outcome before proceeding to others. This particular construction is worth 5.3 million dalasis,” he explained.
Gabriele Boner, Charge D’affaires German Embassy in Dakar and Head of Liaison Office in Banjul said the project is directed atcrucial areas and fisheries cannot be exempted from it.
She added that the project was launched in 2017, noting that the completion of the fish smoking house is vindicating the success of the entire project.
Essa Faye, president of Brufut Fishery Association thanked initiators for choosing their site and promised them that they would take good care of the facility for its sustainability.
Sainabou Drammeh, communications officer at GIZ ECOWAS said experts would be provided to train beneficiaries on how to use and take care of the fish smoking equipment and the house in general.
The project areas of intervention include youth employment, women empowerment, skills development in the fisheries, poultry and horticulture sectors, access to finance, business development as well as advocacy and awareness for returning migrants targeting 3000 youth from ages 16 to 35, 50% of which should be female.