The gesture for the 90 Imams according to donors, was the 5th annual Ramadan sugar gift.
The items included 104 bags of sugar, 100 bags of rice and taxi fares for all beneficiaries. Ebrima Cham, lead coordinator in The Gambia prayed for the association for Allah’s reward.
In a similar development,Caravan of Mercy, The Gambia also recently completed giving 250 families SadaqatulFitr (SunkariMuodo in Mandinka and MudamKorr in Wolof ).
Each family received 25kg of rice.
“We are grateful to our donors, Caravan of Mercy UK, for extending a helping hand to the people of The Gambia,” said a beneficiary.
According to country coordinator, Pa Sillah the gesture was the second distribution done this year. The first one covered 1,044 families, he said. The first distribution consisted of 644 families in Upper River Region and 400 families in West Coast Region and Greater Banjul Area.
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