This, that and those made the Gambians,
Unleased their power at the 2016 ballot box,
For a change in government that will represent their voices,
In a slogan everywhere "Gambia has Decided".
Men, women, children, and even grandparents ran,
From all corners with the jubilation of change,
A change where Gambia will be reborn,
A change where corruption will be eradicated,
A change where Gambians can be free,
To a New Gambia that stands for the people,
Giving freedom of speech for a Gambia of peace,
Security and prosperity for every citizen.
That was the change Gambians made in 2016.
To them, their tears were going to be dried,
Their pains would be healed, voices heard,
And eventually, the growth seed will germinate,
For the youth to cultivate and grow like seedlings.
But unfortunately, the table turned,
When NAWEC blinks its light to darkness,
Leaving the people of the Gambia hoping,
A hope that never sees the light.
As days turned to weeks, months turned to years,
The Gambia became like a horror movie series,
Killings and police cases rose to a frenzy,
Corruption, tribalism, and nepotism rooted,
In the hearts of those we call "our leaders",
Building a bridge of separation of our people.
Children killed, children missing,
Private parts disappearing and body parts traded,
Rebellion gangs and crews were formed,
Girls raped and murdered in cold blood,
Yet, victims of the system are deprived of justice.
This wasn't the New Gambia Gambians voted for,
There's a mix-up - either the votes or the system of governance.
The New Gambia became a black market,
Prices increase and dictated by the traders
As the poor get weakened and sicker each day,
Frustration pushed him to commit suicide,
Leaving his children of dreams roaming homeless.
Unemployment rampant,
The backway becomes the only option,
Since the youth are never considered,
Some die, are ambushed or paralyzed,
Living and roaming in a foreign land just to feed a home at all costs.
For the government, busy signing contracts,
Selling valuable assets for selfish gain,
Looting and exploiting the country's GDP,
As taxpayers are seen and viewed like strangers,
Everyone became that hungry and wounded lion.
So tell me, was this the Gambia Mom voted for?
To see her children dying in the ocean because of money,
To see her young kids being traded and killed by drugs,
To see her children, live and survive on corruption,
Will justices ever serve the victims their rights?