Hamat NK Bah was delivering a statement at the 2nd Virtual Forum of the African Union Ministers Responsible for Arts, Culture, and Heritage on the launch of the Concept Note and Roadmap.
Minister Bah reminded that as Africans there is need to understand, recognise and respect ‘our past’, further highlighting the need to honor and preserve to be able to focus on the future of the continent.
“As a continent we have to use our past to build our future, and in doing so we must understand the importance, the value of our arts, culture and heritages.”
Dwelling on the theme of the year for 2021, which is ‘Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We want,’ Tourism Minister reminded Africans, that it is time ‘we use our past to build a cohesive society that will be free of war, violence.’
He thus commended Ms Angela Martins, head of Culture Division of African Union Commission, department of health, humanitarian affairs and social development for her wonderful works since she assumed the office.
Participants at the 2nd Virtual forum this year included AU-Member States through their respective Ministries responsible for arts, culture and heritage, officials from AUC offices and relevant departments - HHS, DIC, Africa CDC, ACALAN, CELHTO, AU offices in New York, Washington and Geneva respectively.
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