The report of the Finance and Public Account Committee (FPAC) on Audited Accounts of Government Auditor General’s on Covid-19 response Phase 2, revealed that the accounts of NYSS for 2019 and 2020 were not audited.
The same applies to GPPA reports for the same periods. Due to this, the management and board of directors of NYSS were summoned by FPAC to shed light on the issue that resulted in the non- submission of the Annual Activity Reports and audited Financial Statements of the NYSS.
The committee found that the board chairman of NYSS has not been available to steer the affairs of the institution and no one has been delegated to oversee the position.
The report noted that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is aware of the current situation at NYSS.
“Director General of NYSS had been on administrative leave for a long time,” the report stated.
“Usurpation of the role of accountant by the executive director was reported to the board chairperson but the matter was not addressed,” deputies added.
They recommend that the Board of NYSS must communicate to the executive director forthwith, to allow the accountant do his work while he concentrates on his role as executive director.
They also recommend that key senior position of the NYSS must be immediately filled in line with laws so that they could assume their roles in the institution.