Mrs. Jaiteh added that she would fight the problems that the people of Serrekunda brought to her attention during her house-to-house engagements. She added that so far, one of them is the issue of the Serrekunda Maternal Ward at Sandika within the market”.
“The fact that the maternity ward is yet to be built, right now when the women of Serrekunda have to go to labour, they would have to go all the way to the Serrekunda Hospital in Kanifing which is one of the issues they have raised with me. This is one issue I intend to raise in the parliament, make thorough follow ups and make sure it is done if I am re-elected.”
“The job of a parliamentarian is to go to the house, make sure the voices of the people you are representing is heard, so if my people want the maternity ward in Serrekunda to be fixed, it would be my responsibility to address this at parliament to the minister of Health,” she added.
Meanwhile, she said the other issue raised by the residents of London Corner is the issue of a bridge. She said parliamentarians cannot directly do development to a certain extent but the role is to influence development by raising the issue of their constituency in parliament.
“Last year for the first time in the history of parliament, we had what is called the constituency development fund. This is a minimum amount of three hundred thousand which you get every year.”
“If I am supposed to be given this fund, I will go back to the people of Serrekunda and ask them their priority and I am hoping they would say the bridge because I am really concerned about the bridge and this amount of money, I believe can fix the bridge after the assessment is done,” she said.
She further mentioned other relevant issues that were raised by the people of Serrekunda, noting that she intends to raise all the issues in parliament and follow those responsible to make it done.