According to Mr. Darboe, who is the commissioner general of the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), the ongoing conference centres on tax administration in the digital era among other pertinent issues.
The discussion topics, he elaborated, include digitalization and the informal sector/ economy, digitalization and taxpayer’s information security and confidentiality; change management process and digitalization of tax administrations; digitalization and the harmonization of tax system and digitalization and the challenges tax administration face.
“Our discussions are centred on these subjects,” he said. “We do more of sharing of experience and knowledge in the CATA organisation, which consists of 47 countries and was established in 1978. The current president of CATA is from Nigeria, the chairman is from Malaysia and the executive secretary from Kenya.”
Mr. Darboe also stated that at the end of the conference, lots of knowledge and experience sharing would take place as well as networking among heads of tax administrations, who could end up helping each other in terms of capacity building with respect to their work.
“So far so good, representatives of all the 47 member countries have attended,” the WATAF Chair said. “Similarly, in attendance also are the Executive Secretary General of ATAF (Africa Tax Administration Forum) and the Executive Secretary General of WATAF (West African Tax Administration Forum).”
The two administrations, he disclosed, have also signed an MoU to work together.“Similarly, CATA and ATAF also signed an MoU for them to work together and help each other,” Mr. Darboe added.
He expressed appreciation for being part of the great achievement in signing the MoU between ATAF and WATAF under his leadership as chairman of WATAF.
He promised to bring more developments to the organisation, all geared towards creating a strong networking and fostering mutual benefits between the two organisations.
He also said he was happy and proud to represent The Gambia at the international level.