
UDP militant claims lost manhood after electrocution

Dec 29, 2020, 12:31 PM | Article By: Pa Modou Cham

A staunch supporter of the United Democratic Party (UDP), Modou Ngum, yesterday revealed before the TRRC that he lost his manhood after he was electrocuted by members of the NIA in Banjul.

He revealed that he was made to lie down on a table and his feet and manhood tied and electrocuted.

Recalling numerous confrontations between UDP and the then government, Ngum revealed conducting a particular rally in a private residence at Tujereng in 2012, saying they were forcefully dispersed by members of the police. He added that one Amadou Bah was arrested but subsequently released.

In similar occasion in Tanji, he added that the police distracted them and some were arrested and taken to the police station.

"In another occasion in 2013 at Madiana, we were also confronted by the security officers and some of our militants were taken to Tujereng Police. They were later taken to Brikama Magistrates’ Court but were discharged."

In the Fass rally, the witness testified that they were also troubled by the security.

Dwelling on what happened on 14 April 2016, he stated that he was called by Solo Sandeng and they spoke about electoral reform.

"He told me that the new laws imposed on election only favour two parties and that is the APRC and UDP. He said it wouldn't favour Halifa Sallah and Hamat Bah and they need to act."

He continued that the following day, they went ahead with the protest as planned, in which the crowd was dispersed and he was arrested among others.

The witness added that they were taken to Mile 2 Prison and then to NIA Headquarters in Banjul. He said they were interrogated and tortured at the NIA premises.

"I was undressed and a nylon bag was covered over my head. They told me that if I didn't say the truth, they would kill me. My hands were tight under my back and the cameraman was present to take what was happening. I was made to lie down on a table. I was beaten mercilessly by about six of them. I sustained injuries because my genital was shock with electricity."

He told the commission that he got eye problem as a result of the beatings.

He said he is now in the process of taking medicines to recover his manhood.

He continued to testify that they were detained at Mile 2 Prison and later taken to court, saying they were prosecuted and sentenced to three years imprisonment. He explained they were not able to complete the jail term due to the change of government that facilitated their release.