
UDP debunks ‘false political propaganda’ on social media in Senegal  

Nov 18, 2021, 12:06 PM

Press release : The United Democratic Party has learned with utter dismay, the false political propaganda information trending on Senegalese social media platform “Buzzsenegal”, that the United Democratic Party has threatened to remove Senegalese including those living in The Gambia, to return to their country. The United Democratic Party would like to debunk this as utterly false.

Under normal circumstances, the UDP would not have dignified this false information with a response. However, given the sensitivity and the close relationship that exist between the two countries, the UDP deems it fit to clarify and expose the untruth.

The UDP believes in the spirit of Senegambia. That we are the same people with one common goal of having a progressive African continent and share the same origin, divided by colonialism. The relationship between The Gambia and Senegal has been cordial and the United Democratic Party intends to maintain that strong friendship and family tie.

The party leader of the UDP is Senegambian and has relatives in Senegal like every other Gambian and Senegalese who have relatives across the border. The UDP would like to assure all Gambians and Senegalese that a UDP government will safeguard the ties and relationships shared between these common people from time immemorial. We will respect the rights and freedoms of everyone who lives within the confines of The Gambia.

The UDP would like to caution everyone to avoid such irresponsible statements that could compromise and dent the beautiful relationship these two countries share.

Finally, the party leadership would like to encourage everyone to embrace and promote peace and unity as prescribed in our party values and principles.


Communication committee.

UDP official Fb page