U.S. Embassy (The Gambia) – The U.S. Government is committed to helping Gambians strengthen the country's democratic institutions, advance good governance, promote human rights, and support country-led development. To accomplish this objective, we need an Embassy that is safe, secure, functional, environmentally-friendly, and resilient. We are currently in the process of searching for a site upon which to construct a 21st century New Embassy Compound (NEC) that reflects our long-standing partnership with The Gambia which began at the country’s independence.
If, and when, we reach agreement on a site for the NEC, the U.S. Government will pay fair market value for the land. We will have a positive social, economic and environmental impact on the location and its surrounding areas. Rather than bring off-shore labourers to The Gambia, the U.S. Government will create good jobs and train hundreds of Gambians to not only construct the NEC but operate the 21st century Embassy far into the future. We will engage Gambian legal, real estate, engineers, architects, and other professionals. The construction of a new U.S. Embassy has, historically, spurred economic growth in the host country. We anticipate the construction of the Banjul NEC will encourage greater U.S., foreign and domestic investment in The Gambia. Finally, the new U.S. Embassy in Banjul will be a Leader in Energy and Electricity Design (LEED) certified building – one of only three "Green" U.S. Embassies planned in West Africa.
We are still in the early planning stages. In fact, we are years away from completing the construction of a new Embassy. Please check for the video which shows how U.S. Embassies across the globe have been constructed by the State Department’s Office of Buildings Operation (OBO). Environmental stewardship and resilient design are hallmarks of OBO's NEC projects around the globe. The U.S. Embassy in Banjul will be a world class, climate-friendly structure.