
Trust Bank awards WASSEC-2024 “most outstanding” student

Sep 6, 2024, 10:43 AM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

In a bid to celebrate the academic prowess and unwavering dedication of students, Trust Bank yesterday presented its 12th Excellence Millennium Award to the Gambia's most outstanding West Africa Senior  Secondary Examination Council (WASSEC)-2024 student.

The most outstanding student Suwadou Jammeh, who scored A1 in all her subjects, received a certificate   of excellence, a sum of Twenty- five thousand Dalasis (D25,000) and some other goodies.

Speaking on behalf of the Managing Director of Trust Bank, at a ceremony held at the head office in Banjul, deputy MD Omar Mboob said Suwadou’s remarkable feat underscored not only her academic brilliance but also her relentless pursuit of excellence.

He said  the awardee became known to them, three years ago when she became top performing student in her grade 9 exams.

“Her outstanding performance earned her the top award in the prestigious Excellence Millennium Award from Trust Bank, an accolade  given to those who exemplify exceptional talent and commitment to their studies. It was clear from that early recognition that Suwadou was destined for greatness.” said  deputy MD Mboob said.

He reiterated that as they honour her exceptional success in WASSEC, they are reminded of the very qualities that Trust Bank values and celebrates.

 In his remarks, Demba Sawaneh, a representative from West African Examination Council (WAEC), said it is not a small accomplishment to receive such a high award; “it is the outcome of numerous long hours of laborious work, restless evenings, and an unquenchable curiosity”.

He stated that the awardee’s resilience in surmounting all worldly temptations and societal negative influences made her stand out as the overall best student in this year's WASSCE for school candidates 2024 in The Gambia.

Suwadou’s becoming a model student to her peers had also made her achieve monumental academic success in the midst of countless distractions in this day and age, he added.

Mr Sawaneh further hailed Sawadou: “Greatness is never attained in a vacuum; every successful student has a strong support network around them. Thus, your accomplishments are evidence of your intelligence, hard work, and the moral principles that your family, your school administrators and your teachers, instilled in you. We are immensely proud of your achievement.”

He added: “As an assessment body, we make sure that the accomplishments we celebrate today are genuinely worthy of attention by upholding high standards, Our commitment to excellence, fairness, transparency, and rigorous assessment has provided a platform for our students to showcase their knowledge and skills at the highest level.”

For her part, Suwadou Jammeh, while expressing  gratitude to Trust Bank for receiving the award three times, first as the overall best student in grade 7 and then in 2021 for achieving the best GABECE result, she said the  awards have inspired her  to work harder and continually pursue success.

“Trust Bank, under the exceptional leadership of Mrs Njilan Senghore, has played a crucial role in my educational journey, and I will forever be grateful,” she said. “Trust Bank is indeed the nation's bank, and you have rightfully earned your place as the best bank in The Gambia. Your efforts have made significant improvements in the educational sector, and I hope that other banks will follow in your footsteps.”

Suwadou also thanked WAEC office in The Gambia for the successful conduct of exams and for always challenging students to strive for excellence.

Additionally she expressed gratitude to her parents, Mr Malang Jammeh and Mrs Amie Khan Jammeh, for being the epitome of exceptional parenting, as well as her principal, Mrs Hannah Harding. “And my teachers at GMA and Deeper Life, your guidance has been instrumental in my growth,” she appreciated.

Muhammed Jabbie, Chairperson, Conference of Principals, highlighted the significant academic achievement of girls over the years, saying that Suwadou did not only represent girls but also represents women in the rural and urban Gambia.

He thanked Trust Bank for their unwavering support in celebrating remarkable performance of students over the years.