In the explanatory note, the government justified the lowering of the eligibility age, saying it would enable better representation of younger citizens and ensure their concerns and perspectives are included in the legislative process.
“Younger generations often have unique insights and innovative ideas that can greatly contribute to national policy-making,” the draft states.
According to the explanatory note, since the legal voting age is already set at 18, it is therefore reasonable to allow 18-year-olds to also run for office which aligns with the principle that individuals old enough to vote and participate in the political process should also have the right to stand for some elections.
“Reducing the age limit would likely stimulate greater political involvement among young people,” the government justified, stating that youth involvement in contesting elections may motivate more youth to engage with politics, increasing their participation in community issues and fostering a more active civil society.
Globally, the draft indicates, many countries have already reduced the age requirement for legislative positions, reflecting an international recognition of the valuable contributions young leaders can make.