
Top London Met. officers recognise role of Senegambians  

Oct 20, 2021, 12:43 PM | Article By:  Alhagie Mbye, The Point’s Europe Correspondent  

Top members of the London Metropolitan Police have once again acknowledged the role of  Senegambians for their “positive input and constructive participation” in various networking and interacting projects organised by the force.  

The ambition is to bring together people from different cultural and religious backgrounds across the country to collectively work together in harmony.  

The recent compliments were highlighted following the latest “chat about National Inclusion Week 2021” organised by the force.  

However, due to the Covid-19, it was virtually done but at the same time properly coordinated to the satisfaction and expectation of everyone involved.  

The motto of the event: “Our Difference Our Strength” also highlighted several topics conveyed by respected officers and other prominent stakeholders.  

Alieu Jagne, who took part, told The Point that it was “brilliant to be part of such a key event”. He also illustrated the importance of such consultations.  

Giudi (Judy) Pell- Coggins, Department Officer - Chief of Staff Support, Counter Terrorism Policing, who played a major role during the event, was equally optimistic.  

Judy also conveyed a “thank you” message to the participants.  

Referring to Jagne, Judy said: “You were absolutely brilliant and a pleasure and honour to have you as a guest speaker”.  

Judy added: “We had over 70 people in the audience including Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball who thanked you at the end of the session”.  

Preceding contributions by the Senegambians is equally recognised during similar occasions.  

Most prominently, The Point is also credited for its “exceptional role, effort and contribution”.  

For instance, The Association of Muslim Police, during its Annual General Meeting at the Empress State Building in London also acknowledged the role of the Senegambian community.  

During that gathering, Javid Rana, Vice President of NAMP and Chairperson of the Association, expressed his “genuine appreciation” of the Gambian Community.  

Rana also valued the support from both in UK Parliament; European Parliament in Brussels; participation of people from all walks of life including Asians, Africans and Caribbeans and White people.   

Furthermore, during this year’s Eid Al Adha, Rakesh Samplay, Faith and Communities Officer, prayed for “a safe and peaceful” celebration.    

In a communication to this correspondent, Samplay, who attended the occasion with the Senegambians added: “It was a pleasure to share Eid Al Adha prayers with the Gambian community…May this day bring you and your loved ones joy and happiness”.  

Samplay also revealed that Commander Roper from the Crime Prevention, Inclusion and Engagement Department has sent her Eid wishes in the letter for the community.