The Supreme Court ruled that the Commission which appropriated the properties of former President Sir Dawda Jawara, his ministers and others was not properly constituted, and ordered the return of the long-seized properties and compensation to be paid for those sold to third parties.
The court held that the Commission of Inquiry was not properly constituted and thus set aside the adverse findings made against MC Cham.
It could be recalled that the former People Progressive Party minister, MC Cham made a submission to the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) on his three properties that were seized by the junta “without any legal basis”.
According to a report of the TRRC, in the testimony, it stated that MC Cham was arrested without a warrant and taken to Kairaba Police Station. His property was searched without a warrant, and several of his documents and books were seized without any lawful order. The search was extended to his two properties in the Kombos and his office at Hill Street in Banjul. Several items were seized from his properties without making an inventory. Only a few items were returned afterwards.