The President expressed gratitude to him for his institution’s support to The Gambia for more than four decades, especially for urgently responding to the country’s request for Debt Service Extension to address the impact of COVID -19. He equally commended him for the assistance rendered to improve the country’s infrastructure in preparation for the OIC Summit in 2022.
In his reassuring remarks, Sultan A. Al-Marshad, said the Saudi Fund for Development is committed to providing full support to The Gambia and will ensure the accelerated release of funds. He highlighted that the institution has a dedicated team that urgently attends to the needs of The Gambia’s projects. This is in line with supporting the country’s preparatory process for the hosting of the largest gathering of Muslim leaders around the world.
The Director of Operations at the Saudi Fund for Development, Faisal M. Alkahtani said that the Fund is concurrently supporting seven projects in The Gambia which are to the tune of one hundred and eighty million dollars ($180M), and includes five projects supported through loans.
He added that The Gambia is the only country that has been provided with such assistance due to what he described as a “special relationship with The Gambia”.