
Seedy Njie links Barrow’s rhetoric to Darboe’s land allocation claim

Aug 1, 2024, 10:14 AM

Hon. Seedy S.K. Njie, the deputy spokesman of NPP has linked President Adama Barrow’s Brikama rally remarks to a comment made by Ousainu Darboe, the leader of UDP in which he (Darboe) alleged that a land that was allocated to Barrow belongs to the State.

During the inauguration of a NPP political bureau in Birkama on Saturday, Barrow said:  “I am taking an oath today that I’ll be President until Ousainu Darboe dies.”

Clarifying this, Hon. Njie states: “Clarification on H.E. President Adama Barrow’s Comments at the Opening of the NPP Bureau in Brikama”

In response to claims circulating on social media that President Adama Barrow wished UDP Leader ANM Ousainou Darboe dead during the inauguration of the National People’s Party’s Brikama Regional bureau, the National People’s Party categorically states that President Adama Barrow has never prayed or wished for Mr. ANM Darboe’s death.

First, it is important to understand the context in which the comments were made. At the event in Brikama, President Barrow addressed Mr. Darboe's statements from a previous political rally in Brikama. Mr. Darboe claimed that the land allocated to President Barrow in Fajara by the government belongs to the judiciary and the official residence of the Chief Justice. He also mentioned plans to set up a commission of inquiry to forfeit President Barrow’s retirement home.

In his response, President Barrow challenged Mr. Darboe to provide legal documents proving that the said land belongs to the Chief Justice. The President stated he would return the land if such proof is provided. He also pointed out that Mr. Darboe, his wife, and child were all given land by the government, highlighting that Mr. Darboe's wife and child received their land around the time he was dismissed from the government.

Therefore, President Barrow’s comments were made in the context of addressing Mr. Darboe's threat to reclaim the legally allocated land to him by the State. The President expressed his determination to prevent Mr. Darboe from becoming president to avoid such an adverse event. The NPP Secretary-General and Party Leader used a common adage to emphasise this point, stating in Wolof, “dinga dey nyu sull la wai do giss lolu,” and in Mandinka, “Ebaay faala baari etaay wo jayla.” These phrases are commonly used across tribes in The Gambia and do not signify harm or threat, but rather a challenge to a negative intention.

The remarks were clear and comprehensible, merely expressing the President's determination not to let an opponent become president. Therefore, the interpretation of the President's comments to mean a death wish for the UDP Leader is extremely outrageous, outlandish, and a deliberate misrepresention of the spirit in which the comments were made.

We understand that politics can lead to the creation of friction to advance interests and causes. The UDP seeks power and would employ every tactic to achieve it, but we trust that Gambians are wise enough to see through such gimmicks.

President Adama Barrow acknowledges the efforts of every citizen in national development, regardless of their political views, including Mr. ANM Darboe. His Excellency wishes Mr. Darboe and all Gambians good health, long life, and happiness, so everyone can witness the realisation of his government’s massive development agenda for democracy, human rights, rule of law, justice, and development. The NPP Leader desires the best for every Gambian, regardless of political or religious differences. President Adama Barrow reassures all Gambians and residents of The Gambia of their safety and protection at all times.”