To implement the “Africa We Want” agenda, the AUSP-Law Society aims at connecting Law students and rising legal experts across Africa and abroad, eradicating impartiality and providing clear vision for students of Law with One Voice. With double headquarters in Tanzania and South Africa, AUSP has over 8000 members across 16 countries. It provides a wide range of opportunities to connect with one another and other professionals in different fields, thereby expanding their horizons in different knowledge areas and skill-sets.
Expressing his satisfaction with the election results, Prince Sankanu said his elevation is a confirmation of “the cross-cutting nature of Communication which is transferrable to all professions. I thank the founders, election committee, judges and membership of our AUSP for believing in us.”
Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu has over 27 years of professional experience in Communications. He studied at the SAE Institute in Germany and the University of Stirling in Scotland, UK, before returning to his native nation of The Gambia to lecture at the University of The Gambia (UTG) School of Journalism and Digital Media (SJDM) and serve as Principal Information Officer in The Gambia Government.
To pursue his passion for Law, Prince Sankanu enrolled into the LLB programme of his affiliated University of The Gambia were he dexterously multitasked between public policy delivery, industry and academia.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sankanu was the Focal Person for Strategic Communications and External Public Relations of The Gambia’s COVID-19 Response Coordination Secretariat. The impacts of his engagements were captured in the continental Afrobameter Round 8 Survey published in April 2021. This respected survey showed 75% public approval rating for the communication and awareness creation strategy deployed by Sankanu and his team.
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