
Royal Africa Holdings Chairman Receives Diplomatic Credential from Gov’t of Guinea Bissau

Aug 2, 2024, 9:44 AM | Article By: Press Release

In a significant development, H.R.H Prince Ebrahim Sanyang, Chairman of Royal Africa Holdings, has been honored with a Diplomatic Credential from the Government of Guinea Bissau. This prestigious mandate empowers Prince Ebrahim to establish international contacts and seek partnerships and investments for Guinea Bissau.

The official credential, issued by Carlos Pinto Pereira, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, and Diaspora of Guinea Bissau, states:  “CREDENTIAL: In order to establish contacts abroad and seek partnerships and investments In United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Malaysia; and promotion of the Image of Guinea Bissau in the world.

“We, Carlos Pinto Pereira, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Diaspora, mandate H.R.H Prince Ebrahim Sanyang, passport no PC625434, for the above announced purpose.”

“This mandate is issued subject that the Government intervenes at the right time or completion of the transaction that are legally binding in accordance with laws of Guinea Bissau.

“In witness whereof, we passed this credential that carries the White Seal of Government of Guinea Bissau.”

Bissau, 24 July 2024

The Minister

Carlos Pinto Pereira

This mandate signifies a pivotal step in fostering international relations and economic development for Guinea Bissau. Prince Ebrahim's extensive experience and leadership in various international projects make him an ideal representative to attract crucial investments and build strategic partnerships.

Under his stewardship, Royal Africa Holdings has spearheaded numerous initiatives across Africa, focusing on infrastructural development and economic growth. His new role aligns with his ongoing efforts to drive development and prosperity in the region.

Bakary Seedy Darboe (Media Advisor - Royal Africa Holdings)

Bissau, Guinea Bissau - 24 July 2024