The deputies to the Cuban Parliament today re-elected Díaz-Canel to hold the post of President of the Republic for the next five years, and Salvador Valdés to occupy the vice presidency.
At the conclusion of the constitutive session of the X Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (Parliament), the president stressed that it is difficult to summarize the creative resistance and resilience of the people who face extremely difficult conditions.
He announced that the country's leadership should immediately focus on food production, increase in tourism and the efficiency of the investment process; all this in function of increasing offers and reducing inflation. He stated that due to the US blockade and internal insufficiencies, the objective of reaching economic goals is slowing down, and to reverse this, the most effective way is to fight and do not just criticize.
Likewise, he added that from the feats achieved during the previous period of his mandate, he draws optimism to face each of the adverse situations.
In the same way, he stressed that in this constitutive session of Parliament, the people of Cuba are ever present because they are present in society and have an outstanding job.
Rescuers from the explosion at the Saratoga hotel and the fire at the Matanzas Supertanker base are invited, as well as creators of vaccines and medicines that saved the country during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Innovators and researchers who participated in the creation of pulmonary ventilators, hip prostheses and parts for the power plants of the Caribbean nation were also present.
In addition, students and teachers who spent their vacations rebuilding houses and schools destroyed after Hurricane Ian passed through the west of the country, jurists who helped the population to understand the Family Code, as well as grassroots delegates.