“We call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire and cessation of the all-out aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza, as well as for providing humanitarian, medical, and relief aid, providing water and electricity, and opening humanitarian corridors to deliver urgent aid to the Gaza Strip in an unhindered and adequate manner,” the Member States stated in Banjul Declaration at end of 15th OIC Summit in Banjul on Sunday.
“We warn of the danger of continuing the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing, including starvation, deprivation of water, and preventing entry of fuel, which led to a genuine disaster for all health and humanitarian sectors; and affirm our categorical rejection and confrontation, by all means, to any attempt at forcibly displacing, expelling or transferring the Palestinian people from their land.”
The member states also reiterate the importance of resorting to dialogue and mediation for peaceful settlement of disputes thereby creating a tension-free atmosphere among the Islamic Ummah.
“We stress the importance of strengthening preventive diplomacy in order to contribute significantly to achieving peace, saving lives and resources as well as attaining the aspirations of our peoples for sustainable development.”
“We underline the importance we attach to decent living and protection of the rights of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC Member States.”
“We express our solidarity with Muslim communities and minorities in a number of non-OIC Member States who face persecution, injustice and aggression, extend necessary support to their legitimate causes, and call for further international efforts to safeguard their rights, dignity and religious and cultural identity.”
“We reaffirm the continued political, moral and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people and call upon the United Nations Security Council to take effective measures to implement its resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir to enable the Kashmiri people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination through a UN-supervised plebiscite,” the Banjul Declaration further stated.
It added: “We affirm our solidarity in confronting the humanitarian catastrophe befalling Gaza Strip and its people due to the unflinching Israeli aggression for more than six months without respect for the most basic moral and humanitarian values, and call on the countries of the world to take action to stop the crime of genocide committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip and to implement the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice.”
“We affirm that all efforts should be made to accelerate the delivery of all humanitarian aid and reject any attempts to displace the Palestinian people from their land.”
“We reiterate our solid support for the Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to attain their inalienable rights including their right to self-determination and to establish their sovereign state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital and call upon the international community to compel the Occupying power to abide by international law and United Nations resolutions and end its illegal occupation, colonisation of and apartheid in the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.”
“We reaffirm the need to enable the Palestinian people to realise their legitimate national rights, as recognised by the international community, including through its recognition of the fully sovereign State of Palestine within on the 1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Shareef as its capital.”
“We take all measures to safeguard the Islamic identity of Al-Quds Al-Sharif from the illegal measures and policies as well as Judaisation attempts of the occupier and the violations against the sanctity and the status of Al-Haram Al-Sharif. 5. Urge our Palestinian brothers and sisters to unite in their struggle to achieve their objectives, under the banner of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”
“We confirm the full solidarity of Member States with the Palestinian People in their struggle to free themselves from foreign occupation and colonisation and condemn all illegal actions aimed at denying them their legitimate rights, commend the role of UNRWA in serving the Palestinian refugees and invite all States and the international community to continue supporting it to execute its historic mandate and responsibility.”