
Oba Moshood Abolade cannot be king in Gambia: Paramount chief declares

May 21, 2021, 12:07 PM | Article By: Adama Tine

Paramount chief of The Gambia, Momodou Bojang who doubles as the head chief of Kombo North District has declared that Oba Moshood Abolade who was recently honoured as the Royal Father of Nigerian Community in The Gambia on their Royal Night Award can neither be king nor a chief in The Gambia.

“It is practically impossible to be a king in The Gambia and at the same time a king in Nigeria simply because the constitutions are totally different. Yes you can come here as a visitor with your portfolio but you cannot exercise those powers here,” he pointed out.

“I was only an invitee at the ceremony but when I got there, I realised that those people clearly deceived and misled me because the invitation given to me labeled that the Nigerian High Commissioner was going to be there, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) was going to be there and also the whole Nigerian Community would be there which wasn’t true,” he said.

According to him, immediately he got to the venue, a programme guide was served to him and at that moment, he noticed that most of the dignitaries labelled in the invitation letter given to him weren’t there but he decided to take the situation the way it was.

“I was only an invitee yes but when I discovered the activities they were doing, I marched out leaving my two wives behind because at that moment, I was very angry so to avoid any form of chaos, I decided to leave the ceremony and return home,” he disclosed.

“The Nigerian Community in The Gambia cannot fit in that room where the event was held; certain dignitaries that were mentioned that would grace the event weren’t there and also on the paper, a name of Madi Bojang was mentioned, someone I know too well and who has been appearing before me on land cases was there and addressed as Chief Madi Bojang which was a big shock to me, because Madi Bojang has never been a chief in The Gambia,” he added.

“If Oba Moshood Abolade wants to be king, he should go back to Nigeria and be king there but not here in The Gambia; whether he’s from a monarch family or not,” Paramount Chief Bojang warns.

“If Oba Moshood’s people recognise him and choose him as their head, that’s their business, but as far as I’m concerned, Oba Moshood Abolade is neither a king nor a chief in The Gambia,” he declared.

He further said they can perform their tradition here but whatever they do shouldn’t affect Gambians and that should be with the consent of Gambians because in every country, non citizens have their limits.

“I once told the government that the 99 years compound leasing should only be enjoyed and benefited by Gambians and non-citizens should be exempted without reservation,” he concluded.