The youth leader made the remark while delving into the current political landscape and issues in the country.
According to Jaye, there are many inconsistencies and severe problems that confront the nation, which he said demand true collaboration to overcome.
"I don't care where you belong [but] the job is more essential. The sense of purpose is far more significant than the sense of identity,” he emphasised, lamenting: “Western ideals have imprisoned us to the point where we cannot collaborate as a nation when it comes to national concerns. I am this, I am that, I belong here, you belong there, till when?"
He further re-emphasised significance of collaboration to enhance development in a divided Gambia.
Moreover, he elucidated that it is critical that the nation looks for ways to bridge gaps and build a sense of solidarity among the people.
The country is at a crossroads, he observed, adding that if the divisions are not amicably addressed, it could hinder the pace of development and sow the seeds of unrest.
Hence, Jaye highlighted the potential to sow the seeds of unity and prosperity through strategic collaboration, which he said could bring varied capabilities in the form of resources and talents together.
The youth leader envisioned that the organisation, communities and the nation could achieve more through collective effort than isolated initiatives.
He said: “We can break down the walls that divide us and build bridges to a common future by engaging in discourse and collaboration."
Jaye therefore urged collective effort and national unity, which he said would not only help in addressing socioeconomic challenges but result in a long-term change for future generations.