
NAMS defer Public Service Pensions Bill for Monday for a third reading

Feb 16, 2022, 11:13 AM | Article By: Ismaila Sonko

The National Assembly Members (NAMs) of The Gambia on Monday adjourned the Public Service Pensions Bill 2020 to 21st February for the third reading.

Dr. Isatou Touray, the vice president, who tabled the bill, said it seeks to achieve the cardinal principles of a highly motivated and performing Civil Service, adding that as part of the Civil Service Reform Programme (2018-2027), the personnel administration regulations, rules and procedures must be in accordance with good and standard practices.

“In addition, as attraction, retention and attrition of highly trained and professionalised personnel is critical to the effective and efficient performance of the Civil Service, the Bill seeks to address these longstanding issues in the Civil Service,” she said.

She added that the Bill is expected to promote effective service delivery across government through the motivation and retention of skilled and professional staff.

VP Touray said that the government, cognisant of that fact, it must provide decent pay for all public servants, it is equally important to guarantee a decent livelihood for retirees at the end of their active service. “This is a key motivational factor for people to stay in their jobs and contribute effectively to any role they are assigned to carry out,” she added.

The Bill, she further elaborated, will repeal the 1950 Pensions Act and would introduce a contributory pension scheme as opposed to the current non-contributory scheme, thus addressing several limitations of the current Pensions Act 1950.

She added that the Bill seeks to introduce a new system of procedure for the management, administration and processing of retirement benefits for ensuring not only the improvement of pension entitlements but also the efficiency of processing of pension payment.