Following his motion to investigate the alleged issue on 22 July 2024, the Joint Committee on Finance and Public Accounts (FPAC) and the Public Enterprise Committee (PEC) were tasked to get into the matter within 90 days and get back to the plenary by October 22, 2024.
In his deliberation as the first witness into the matter, Hon Jawara revealed that the said vessels were from Russia and were to be anchored in Ghana. Unfortunately, he said, the policy gap in Ghana could not allow the vessels to anchor there, and then the ship stayed somewhere else for 3 months until it found its way to The Gambia.
“I was told that these ships were in the sea for 3 months when Apogee and GRID Energy, who were all Ghanaians, said, ‘Why don't we travel to Gambia and establish a company in Gambia, whereby this can come to anchor in Gambia and make a sales there’. I think that would be a problem,” said Hon Jawara.
Hon. Jawara further explained that WhatsApp audio messages detailed the negotiation, ultimate bid, and creation of Grid Energy to establish a company based on the idea that they were to sell Apogee products since they were successful in registering their company and he was told that during the three months, these vessels were in “our sea for negotiation”.
Similarly, the minister for Finance and Economic Affairs, Seedy Keita, on 14 July gave an account of a cargo landing with the said metric tons of petroleum products in the waters of The Gambia.
Minister Keita confirmed the arrival of the petroleum products on August 21, 2023, which were brought to The Gambia by GRID ENERGY and APOGEE. “A total of $1,452,915.45 was deposited in the Greed Energy and Apogee Ecobank Dalasi account, while the Dollar account had a deposit of $532,500,” he said. “Additionally, $1,692,431.55 was deposited in the Access Bank account.”
Minister Keita explained that when an OMC lifts a product from the depot, various taxes are calculated before the product is sold.
“Given the special regime of the petroleum industry, all taxes are calculated based on the uplift of the OMC and are payable between 25 and 31 of the month. And “This particular product has paid all taxes and duty applied to it. The supply of APOGEE was incorporated in Dubai UAE and had no business present activity in The Gambia before this transaction; therefore it is not within our tax jurisdiction,” the Minister stated.
The co-chair adjourned the hearing to address concerns about the witness's delivery of evidence, as it was the first time such matters were being investigated.