
NA clarifies on Salary, Pensions Bill for NAMs

Jul 3, 2024, 11:53 AM | Article By: Jankey Ceesay 

The Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly has cleared the air on the rumours surrounding the National Assembly Salaries and Pensions 2014, saying the bill does not in any way increase the Members' pay or allowances.

“The Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly wishes to clarify, on unequivocal terms, that the National Assembly Salaries and Pensions Bill, 2024 including the Schedule to the Bill, DOES NOT in any way increase the Members' pay or allowances as has been misrepresented in the public space,” a statement from the Office of the Clerk states.

“The National Assembly Salaries and Pensions Act which the aforesaid Bill seeks to repeal and replace has been in existence since 1997, pursuant to section 95 of the existing Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia.”

“The Bill principally focuses on addressing three specific issues relating to gratuities:”

“Gratuity for the next of kin of a sitting member who dies in office after serving at least one year; gratuity for a member who resigns or is recalled by the electorate and has served at least one year; and gratuity for a member who completes the residual term of a member who dies, resigns, or is recalled by voters.”

“The Bill seeks to promote transparency and accountability in respect of the remuneration of Members of the National Assembly.”

On the objective and reasons on the bill, it states that:

“The Bill provides for a periodic review of salaries and pensions of Members. It also prohibits varying the salaries, allowances, gratuities, and pensions to the disadvantage of Members during their tenure of office or after they have relinquished office, as the case may be. In addition, it prohibits the granting of a second pension to a Member.”

It further stated that the Bill provides for payment of gratuity to the following new classes of persons–

(a) the next-of-kin of a Member who dies before the end of their term;

(b) a member who resigns or is recalled by the electorate; and

(c) the person completing the residual term of a Member who dies, resigns, or is recalled by the electorate.

“It is envisaged that when this Bill is passed it will greatly improve the comfort and convenience of National Assembly Members.”